Friday, December 18, 2020

Indiana Medicaid: Providers: Home- and Community-Based Services HCBS

The government welcomes Expanding Caregiver Support in Ontario, a report from external advisor Janet Beed containing recommendations for coordinating and strengthening supports for caregivers. Ms. Beed’s report draws from extensive consultations with caregivers, patients and a wide range of organizations in home and community care and other sectors related to caregivers. Under OBRA 1990, states may elect t6 provide home and community-based services at their option under the state Medicaid plan. However, this new provision establishes an overall spending cap for each state and for Medicaid overall. This source of funding is independent of the Medicaid Section 2176 waiver program under which States may request a waiver from normal Medicaid requirements in order to provide home and community-based care.

home and community care providers

Creating and maintaining an HCBS program benefits the community and the individuals served in many ways. However, there are several challenges to consider that come along with this type of program. The State of Missouri has no control over the nature, content, and availability of the service, and accordingly, cannot guarantee the accuracy, reliability, or timeliness of the translation.

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Total long term care spending annually in the USA from all sources, public and private, is estimated at approximately $50 billion. Nursing home care consumes about 80% and home and community based care 20% of this amount. The most reliable indicator of the need for long term care is the presence of functional impairment. A significant number of elderly persons have functional impairments, as measured by the Activities of Daily Living , Instrumental Activities of Daily Living or cognitive impairments. Such persons are candidates for LTC services, whether provided formally or informally.

home and community care providers

For tribes just beginning to provide LTSS in their communities, or tribes who do not have the resources to consider facility-based care, HCBS can be a good place to start. Medicare Special Needs Plans may cover people who receive nursing care as part of the home-based services they need. Entega Energie also has very good customer service and compared to other German electricity providers a very good website and user friendly interface.

Home & Community Based Services

From 19 July 2021, England has now moved to Step 4 of the roadmap, and most COVID-19 legal restrictions have been lifted. The government has advised from 19 July there are no restrictions on the number of people individuals can meet. People living in supported living settings live in their own homes and visits should be supported and enabled wherever it is safe to do so. If a person is determined eligible for more than one HCBS program, the person cannot receive services under two or more such programs at the same time. The person must choose one HCBS program and receive the services provided by it. Long term care facilities, also known as nursing homes, provide both short and long term nursing and rehabilitation services for persons that require 24-hour care.

home and community care providers

2022 IHCP Works 2022 IHCP Works The Indiana Health Coverage Programs invites providers to attend the 2022 IHCP Works seminar from Oct. 11 through Oct. 13. IHCP Live IHCP Live IHCP Live webinars offer providers an opportunity to learn about new policy initiatives and billing guidance. Visit this page for information about upcoming webinars and recordings of past presentations. Program Integrity Provider Education Training Program Integrity Provider Education Training These provider education training links cover topics such as documentation requirements, billing guidelines, and other program integrity- and audit-related issues.

LTSS Information Home- and Community-Based Services

Care provider means a duly qualified or licensed home health aide or homemaker, personal care aide or nurse provided through a licensed home health care agency or referred by a licensed referral agency or licensed nurses registry. “Healthcare Services” does not mean management of patient care, such as through population health programs or employee or group wellness programs. The Indiana Health Coverage Programs pays for services for eligible individuals who choose to remain in their home as an alternative to residing in a long-term care institution, such as a nursing facility. These services are offered through Home- and Community-Based Services programs intended to assist a person to be as independent as possible and live in the least restrictive environment possible while maintaining safety in the home.

Community care is based on specific eligibility requirements, availability of VA care, and the needs and circumstances of individual Veterans. Community providers are a vital part of VA’s high-performing health care network, ensuring eligible Veterans and their beneficiaries get the timely, high-quality health care they need. As Ontario's population ages, home and community care is becoming especially important. Ontarians want and deserve a health care system that helps them live independently at home – where they want to be.

Home and Community-Based Care in the USA

Such services typically include case management, personal care, homemaker and chore services, and respite care. In general, they are designed to assist elderly persons who otherwise would occupy a nursing home bed. Since such services were not covered under the regular state Medicaid plan, states had to apply for a waiver. Home and community-based services are also known as waiver-funded services or waiver programs. The name waiver comes from the fact that the federal government "waives" medical assistance rules for institutional care in order for Pennsylvania to use the funds for HCBS. HCBS provides for supports and services beyond those covered by the Medical Assistance program that enables a person to remain in a community setting rather than being admitted to a Long Term Care Facility.

home and community care providers

Within general statutory limits, each state can determine what services to provide, who is eligible for these services and how funds are distributed among state agencies. Social services aimed at assisting elderly persons with self-care needs may be provided. There were about 1.1 million of the oldest old, i.e. persons aged 85 and over, who were functionally disabled and living in the community in 1985. By 2020, the community-dwelling group is expected to grow 2.5 times to 2.6 million and the nursing home group similarly to 1.4 million. The purpose of the Statement of Values is to empower patients, caregivers and families to have a greater voice in their care process.

Community Care Providers Home Health Agency

In Fiscal Year 1989, about $1.2 billion was spent under Medicaid for personal care. However, about 80% of this amount was accounted for by New York and an additional 15% by five other states--Arkansas, Massachusetts, Michigan, Texas and Oklahoma. The passage of Medicare and Medicaid in 1965 gave impetus to the expansion of home health care in the succeeding decades.

The Community Care Customer Service Guide explains each step in the Veteran’s community care journey once they are referred for care. If you are a community provider interested in providing care to Veterans, please consider joining the new VA Community Care Network. Reliable in the delivery of high-quality and consistent care for patients across the province. CommunityCare is proudly owned by two of the region’s premier health systems. Directory Info Review CommunityCare strives to make the most accurate provider directories available to our members. EFT/ERA Enrollment Electronic Funds Transfer payments and Electronic Remit Advice file (ERA/835) delivery are available from CommunityCare.

Such inventories often include data on the characteristics of their resident populations such as the frail elderly. Long term care involves housing, personal care and, where needed, skilled nursing care. Besides one's own home and the nursing home, a variety of supportive housing arrangements for the frail elderly has grown up in recent years. These include Continuing Care Retirement Communities , board and care homes, and various forms of subsidized housing. Within individual states, HCBS care is provided by lead agencies and other service providers.

home and community care providers

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HHS is committed to making its websites and documents accessible to the widest possible audience, including individuals with disabilities. We are in the process of retroactively making some documents accessible. If you need assistance accessing an accessible version of this document, please reach out to the Transitional care is the process of maintaining quality of care while elders and persons with disabilities transition to or from hospital or nursing home facilities and residential or home settings. View Chickasaw Nation Elder Health Programs-a webinar on the holistic HCBS programs provided by Chickasaw Nation to support quality of life for elders.

In Fiscal Year 1989, about $1.2 billion was spent under Medicaid for personal care. However, about 80% of this amount was accounted for by New York and an additional 15% by five other states--Arkansas, Massachusetts, Michigan, Texas and Oklahoma. The passage of Medicare and Medicaid in 1965 gave impetus to the expansion of home health care in the succeeding decades.

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If you are in crisis or having thoughts of suicide, visit for more resources. You may be trying to access this site from a secured browser on the server. Primary care-giver means a person who assumes the principal role of providing care and attention to a child. IHCP HCBS programs are operated through the Family and Social Services Administration divisions listed below. The Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation is the principal advisor to the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services on policy development, and is responsible for major activities in policy coordination, legislation development, strategic planning, policy research, evaluation, and economic analysis.

In Fiscal Year 1989, total benefits paid amounted to $14.3 billion, of which $11.4 billion were federal and $2.9 billion were federally-administered state supplemental benefits. OBRA 1987 established a second home and community-based waiver program under Section 1915. This waiver provision exempts states from serving only persons who otherwise would be in a nursing home. In return, states agree to set an overall spending cap on their long term care expenditures. The five major federal programs are Medicare, Medicaid, Social Services Block Grant, Older Americans Act and Supplemental Security Income .

Transitional Care

Home and community based care refers to formal services provided in home or community-based settings and paid for from either private or public funds. For every person in a nursing home, there are an estimated three persons with similar disabilities living in the community. To the extent that the needs of these persons are met, informal care and formal home and community based care are the means. Informal care is care provided voluntarily by one's immediate family (e.g. spouse or adult child), other relatives, friends, neighbors and community service organizations. It is estimated that about three quarters of functionally impaired elderly persons living in the community rely exclusively on such care (Rivlin A. and Wiener, J., 1988).

home and community care providers

Community care is based on specific eligibility requirements, availability of VA care, and the needs and circumstances of individual Veterans. Community providers are a vital part of VA’s high-performing health care network, ensuring eligible Veterans and their beneficiaries get the timely, high-quality health care they need. As Ontario's population ages, home and community care is becoming especially important. Ontarians want and deserve a health care system that helps them live independently at home – where they want to be.

Care work

Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly combines many services into one comprehensive program and often combines Medicare and Medicaid eligibility. There are many possible approaches for your program, and many ways that programs can partner together to provide a wider range of services to their communities. To more fully access Medicaid and state HCBS, the Oneida Nation became the lead agency for a state waiver. Still I don't know if it would be better to get a tariff for cheap calls within German mobiles only, and doing my calls to Spain with Skype....I think that would be even better, as I won't be doing calls to Spain while I'm going out or something. To promote, elevate and ensure high quality home and community-based care for Illinois' seniors. Providers can access COVID-19 easy guides with information about how to keep safe and well during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, including guidance around social distancing and face coverings by Mencap.

home and community care providers

From 19 July 2021, England has now moved to Step 4 of the roadmap, and most COVID-19 legal restrictions have been lifted. The government has advised from 19 July there are no restrictions on the number of people individuals can meet. People living in supported living settings live in their own homes and visits should be supported and enabled wherever it is safe to do so. If a person is determined eligible for more than one HCBS program, the person cannot receive services under two or more such programs at the same time. The person must choose one HCBS program and receive the services provided by it. Long term care facilities, also known as nursing homes, provide both short and long term nursing and rehabilitation services for persons that require 24-hour care.

Substance Use Disorder Treatment Substance Use Disorder Treatment The IHCP is working in collaboration with stakeholders to expand and improve SUD treatment. Nonemergency Medical Transportation Nonemergency Medical Transportation Nonemergency medical transportation services for most members served through the fee-for-service delivery system are brokered through Southeastrans Inc. Notification of Pregnancy Notification of Pregnancy A Notification of Pregnancy transaction helps identify risk factors in the earliest stages of pregnancy and thereby improve birth outcomes.

home and community care providers

A list of LTC facilities in Pennsylvania may be found via thePA Department of Health web site. Licensed health care provider means a physician, physician assistant, chiropractor, advanced registered nurse practitioner, nurse, physical therapist, or athletic trainer licensed by a board. Medical Review Team Medical Review Team The Medical Review Team determines an applicant's eligibility based on a disability. Providers must be enrolled as MRT providers to be reimbursed for MRT services. Administrative records have the advantage of being centralized and of being policy-relevant, since they cover persons who meet the program's eligibility criteria.

Such inventories often include data on the characteristics of their resident populations such as the frail elderly. Long term care involves housing, personal care and, where needed, skilled nursing care. Besides one's own home and the nursing home, a variety of supportive housing arrangements for the frail elderly has grown up in recent years. These include Continuing Care Retirement Communities , board and care homes, and various forms of subsidized housing. Within individual states, HCBS care is provided by lead agencies and other service providers.

Home- and Community-Based Services are types of person-centered care delivered in the home and community. HCBS programs address the needs of people with functional limitations who need assistance with everyday activities, like getting dressed or bathing. HCBS are often designed to enable people to stay in their homes, rather than moving to a facility for care. Data on the functionally impaired elderly can often be found by accessing specialized inventories. For example, the National Center for Health Statistics is conducting the 1991 National Health Provider Inventory , which is a comprehensive national listing of long term care providers .


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home and community care providers

Within general statutory limits, each state can determine what services to provide, who is eligible for these services and how funds are distributed among state agencies. Social services aimed at assisting elderly persons with self-care needs may be provided. There were about 1.1 million of the oldest old, i.e. persons aged 85 and over, who were functionally disabled and living in the community in 1985. By 2020, the community-dwelling group is expected to grow 2.5 times to 2.6 million and the nursing home group similarly to 1.4 million. The purpose of the Statement of Values is to empower patients, caregivers and families to have a greater voice in their care process.

Thursday, December 17, 2020

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Handcrafted by a group of master weavers in Kannur, India, this set of six linen dinner napkins will add so much elegance to their dinner table. You can never go wrong with a cookbook, and this modern option from Nik Sharma includes 100 easy-to-cook Indian recipes with bold flavors and familiar ingredients. You can't celebrate Diwali without plenty of sweet treats, and these cashew pistachio ladoos will make you the life of any party.

Diwali gifting is made easier with Loopify, especially if you wish to give unique gifts to your friends. Gifting is an art as it brings you closer to your family and friends. It is time you embrace the age-old tradition of Diwali gifting and make them feel appreciated and loved. Diwali also marks a beginning, and so preparations for and gifts celebrating this holiday can have a new year feel to them.

What is a good Diwali gift for someone from India?

It is one of the best corporate gift on Diwali for clients. Gift this charming Silver box to your friends so that she can safely keep her jewelry trinkets. It also plays a sweet melody making it more worthy of being gifted. This is the perfect gift for a friend that is a motorcycle buff. They will be reminded of you every time they fetch their keys clung to this quirky motorcycle keychain with an extra smooth finishing.

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The tradition of gifting has turned out to be a big market for online sites too. It is considered a time of shopping spree as people are looking to find the best diwali gifts for friends. We will make sure that you receive thoughtful Diwali gift ideas for friends.

Diwali Premium Wooden Tray Hamper with Cadbury Chocolate Bars & Cookies

Exchanging gifts on the festival of light is an age-old tradition. During earlier times, sweets and decorative items were major gift items. These were generally made at home and exchanged as a gesture of good wishes.

diwali gift ideas for best friend

It’s not like they’ll say this on your face or cut ties with you – but somehow, a blot will be created in their mind, which wouldn’t fade for years. A usual common gift will make your money go down the drain as your gift will not be able to convey the emotions you wanted to. More than a bunch of flowers or a chocolate box or any other common gift. Gladden your friends with unique Diwali Gifts for friends.This Diwali, make them feel special, loved, and cherished.

Diwali Gift Ideas : Home Decor

Diwali is one of the most auspicious festivals of India. It is one of the most widely celebrated festivals around the world. People also perform pooja with all the Diwali pooja essentials, to ensure that they always have peace, joy and prosperity. The festival evidences the triumph of good over evil and hope over despair. I was very much tensed for the quality of sweets, but you guys proved yourself as all the items in this hamper were fresh and of good quality, Worth the money product it is. From handmade pieces to vintage treasures ready to be loved again, Etsy is the global marketplace for unique and creative goods.

It’s also home to a whole host of one-of-a-kind items made with love and extraordinary care. While many of the items on Etsy are handmade, you’ll also find craft supplies, digital items, and more. Perfect for that artsy friend who always looks picture-perfect, these lavender-infused henna cones will smell pretty as she creates beautiful designs. They are perishable, so keep them in the fridge if you're not going to use them within a couple of days. Keep your diyas burning brightly without leaving smoke stains on the ceiling with this stainless steel candle accessory set. It comes with a wick trimmer, a snuffer and a wax dipper that will elevate your Festival of Lights this year and become a keepsake for years to come.

Happy Diwali Card, funny Diwali card for friends and family, hindu Diwali card, sikh diwali card

How about making things personal and presenting tea/coffee mugs that have names and even a special message for your clients printed on them? It would not only make them feel special but also be something they can use every day of their lives. There are many online gifting companies that you can contact to do personalised printing for you. Undoubtedly, Diwali is one of the most popular, celebrated, and loved festivals in India. It holds significant importance in both India as well as in foreign countries.

diwali gift ideas for best friend

It is one of the perfect Diwali gift ideas for friends who love pampering their skin with all the goodness. There is no limit to gifting options to choose from for Diwali. You get numerous options ranging from traditional gifts like Ganesh Lakshmi idols, Diwali Diya, rangoli, wall art, or a puja thali to chocolates, toys, cakes, and crackers for kids. You may even opt for jewellery, clothes, cosmetics, gift hampers, accessories, and other items to combine and make the most suitable hamper.

Send The Perfect Diwali Gifts For Your Friends Through FNP

You can choose any six chocolates of your choice from Silk Bubbly, Silk Fruit & Nut, Silk Oreo, Silk Oreo Red Velvet, Silk Hazelnut, Silk Roast Almond, Silk Mousse and Silk Plain Chocolate. Getting good chocolates in India at one place has always been a tedious task. So, when I came across this website, I was happy to see all the products from Cadbury along with the personalization option.

diwali gift ideas for best friend

We have beautiful hampers of cosmetics like eyeliners, lipstick, compact, etc. and your friends would love them. This Diwali, let your friends be prettier by gifting them cosmetics. I think Cadbury Gifting has become my new favourite when it comes to gifting chocolates.

Diwali Gift: Dry Fruits and Honey

And if you could try adding your personal artistic touch to these diyas, they surely will make for a truly priceless gift. A great gift for the holidays, or any time of year, is a set of scented candles. This set of two soy candles, both with a light and sweet scent, will last a long time.

diwali gift ideas for best friend

Let us tell you that employees love receiving personalized mugs and tea sets. Make it unique for each of your employees by writing an apt message for them. After all, appreciation also plays a vital role in an employee’s happiness and satisfaction at work.

Diwali Gifts Ideas For Best Friends

You can avail our same day and next day delivery service to send Diwali gifts to your loving and caring friends in USA, UK, UAE, and Australia or any other destination of your choice. With FNP, you can rest assured about the timely delivery of Diwali gifts to the doorstep of your friends and loved ones on time and in the perfect condition. You can also opt for our midnight delivery service to surprise your buddies with excellent gifts and make this Diwali a memorable occasion of their lives. Diwali celebrations with friends are usually incomplete without gifts.

diwali gift ideas for best friend

This gift box contains a diary, a foldable pen stand, a visiting card holder and a little box to hold loose notes. This stationery kit is made from a blend of cow dung (yes, you read that right! And no, it does not smell) using a patented paper-making process. It is probably the only stationary kit in the world made without cutting a single tree. And that’s not all, the paper contains seeds that grow into plants and act as compost, Now this could be one of the best Diwali gift ideas for friends. From Diwali Gift Hampers to gifts that suit everyone’s needs and budget, Loopify has it all.

Diwali Gift Ideas : Home Decor

The classic taste of Cadbury chocolates lends that special sparkle to Diwali, helping to strengthen bonds of love and affection. I have used Cadbury Gifting services for delivering Christmas Chocolates to my friends and families. The personalization helped me adding names of family members on chocolates and Merry Christmas message was like cherry on the cake. I would recommend others to use this platform to send personalised messages to your loved ones. has been my favourite for a long time. I ordered different varieties of Dairy Milk Silk for my girlfriend.

diwali gift ideas for best friend

It’s not like they’ll say this on your face or cut ties with you – but somehow, a blot will be created in their mind, which wouldn’t fade for years. A usual common gift will make your money go down the drain as your gift will not be able to convey the emotions you wanted to. More than a bunch of flowers or a chocolate box or any other common gift. Gladden your friends with unique Diwali Gifts for friends.This Diwali, make them feel special, loved, and cherished.

Happy Diwali Cards - Hindu Bright & Cheerful Festival Of Lights Deepavali Greeting Cards + Envelopes Box Set (2 Designs) 6664

There are many easy recipes for making Indian sweets available online. Pun lovers will flip for this funny coffee mug, which is decorated with tons of silly puns featuring popular Indian foods and drinks. Send well wishes with the help of a matte white, natural wax candle, which comes in a dozen different scent options and with your choice of a personalized message. Who would not like a set of beautifully bound inspirational books such as business leader biographies?

They will absolutely adore it as it displays the recollections with elan. Bestow your friend with this very charming mug that is adorned with fluted design. Strong coffee in this posh mug is all they will need to brighten up their mood. But we get stuck with the age-old question- ‘What to gift? ’ and get fed up of hunting for appropriate and perfect gifts.

Topics:  Diwali   Diwali 2021   Diwali Gift Ideas

On Diwali, we give happiness as a gift to our friends, cousins, relatives. But if the gift consists of chocolates, sweets, watches, etc. then they do not generate that much enthusiasm because in the last many years their trend has increased a lot. You can also buy a packet of mixed dry fruits to gift to your loved ones on this auspicious occasion of Diwali. For example, you can add cashews, almonds and pistachios in one, and almonds, walnuts, raisins and cashews in other. Here are some gift ideas for the auspicious occasion of Diwali. Look for quirky Diwali gifts this festive season to ensure that your loved ones have a memorable time.

diwali gift ideas for best friend

If you wanted to gift some long-lasting and good-quality gifts to your loved ones then this bowl set is the best option for you. This little bonsai tree is the perfect gift for anyone who loves to garden. The tree is made of pure crystal, which means it can last for years. It is a great gift for any occasion, and it would be perfect for a housewarming gift. This Diwali gives a gift that is not only beautiful but also functional with this Lakshmi printed coffee mug. The printed design is intricate and makes for a beautiful presentation.

Happy Diwali Card, funny Diwali card for friends and family, hindu Diwali card, sikh diwali card

It's inspired by Indian matchbooks, and if the antelope doesn't have the right vibes, there are also tiger, lotus bird and other designs. Give that gorgeous thick, curly or dry hair a little love with this jasmine-scented prewash and Neem wood comb. It'll leave them sleek, shiny and looking their most beautiful selves even if they're aren't usually the pampering type. You can't go wrong with a candle that smells like the Earth after a fresh, soaking rain. With notes of green leaves, sandalwood and ozone (that "it just poured" smell), it'll transport you back home, no matter where you are. Celebrate the Festival of Lights with these unique and thoughtful presents.

diwali gift ideas for best friend

Yes, even Rangolis are a trending Diwali gift these days. Everyone needs a beautiful rangoli inside or outside their homes during Diwali. Gift a silver plated leaf serving bowl with spoon, silver plated thali with floral shaped diyas, swan-shaped silver plated spoon holder, etc.

In case, you want to opt for a next-day delivery then, it is also feasible with FlowerAura. So, this Diwali, check out the best ideas for Diwali gifts for friends at the most trustable gifting shop near you. Pick the best gifts for them, and avail an express delivery along with free shipping.

diwali gift ideas for best friend

You can gift a nice watch to your loved ones on the occasion of Diwali. The beautiful festival of Diwali is incomplete without sweets. People visit the homes of their loved ones on Diwali and gift them a packet of sweets. You can a get a gift pack of sweets from a local sweet shop. While choosing Diwali gifts for relatives, you will have to ensure that they are something special. The smile on the faces of your favourite people while they open your Diwali gifts, is more satisfying than witnessing the greatest fireworks.

However, most of the products contain single-use plastic which take years to dispose or degrade. And we all are aware of the negative effects plastic can have on your Earth and our health. There are many eco-friendly websites that offer 100% plastic free products such as You can browse through our website for amazing Diwali Gifts Online.

I guarantee you will only have a smile on your face at the end. Now you might be wondering why should you rely on FlowerAura only when it comes to sending online Diwali gifts for friends. Rich-looking Metal Floral bowl is the best gift idea for your relatives or close friends. This bowl set has an antique elegant design that gives addition to any Home decor or can be used for decoration purposes. Anyone can use this bowl set to serve mouth fresheners or dry fruits. Whether you're on a budget or want to go all out for Diwali, we offer something for everyone.

So, without taking extra burden of price range send Diwali gifts to your friends anywhere in India with lots of love and warm wishes. Of course, if you want to buy the best Diwali gifts for friends online, you can go to Giftalove. This reputable gift shop allows you to get the best Diwali gifts for friends. Your friends are the ones who are always there for you no matter what the situation is. On Diwali, you must express your affection and love for them.

Buy some alluring diwali gifts for friends online by picking some of these breathtaking products that we have selected only for you. The diwali gifts include all the sweet delicacies, embellished diyas, candles, lights of various colors. You can also gift some of our authentic cakes and flower bouquets to your friends. Now you can buy and send unique Diwali gifts, birthday gifts, anniversary gifts, personalized gifts, or any other gifts online at your fingertips.

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